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We know that cutting your hair can be something that messes with your self-esteem if something goes wrong. When we think and are in doubt of which haircut, making a decision can sometimes be difficult.

So for that reason, hair cutting simulators appear as a simple way to test different hairs before passing the scissors on your real hair.

However, there are several options and we separate the best ones, between websites and apps, for you to try. Check them out now:

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In this first application that we brought you, you can test the short and long haircut styles in the free version, to get a simple idea of how it will look with each style.

In the paid version of the application, you can test many other sizes and shades of hair.

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Available to android and iOS.


In this second app, you can use 3D technology to find out which cut suits you best.

Because inside it there are several options of sizes and styles to simulate your next look, in addition to being able to share the results with your friends and ask them for their opinions.

is available for android and iOS.


In the third application is the TEST THE HAIRSTYLE, with which you can test different haircuts and hairstyles to choose which one best suits your style and face shape.

With this app you will have new ideas to bet on the future and, who knows, go far beyond your comfort zone.

Can be installed on devices android and iOS.


In the fourth application that we brought, it is excellent for helping women who are indecisive to try a cut before actually cutting their hair.

Because within the application there are several hair options, styles and colors to be tested, with a photo taken at the time or uploaded from the cell phone gallery.

available for devices android and iOS.


Hair Zapp is a free haircut simulator that ends up allowing users to quickly try out different haircut models.

So it also allows you to compare the before and after. Because you get to see what he really thinks about that haircut.

Can be installed in iOS and Android.


If you like a lot of options when choosing a haircut, this is the ideal app for you, as it offers more than 12,000 haircut variations.

Where you choose to use your photo or those of the models on the site. Want to know how someone famous's hair would look on you?

This is possible as there are many celebrity styles available to try out.


Finally, we brought you the Vila Mulher online haircut simulator, which is a great option for you looking for new cuts.

With this application you can do many tests with your photos, you just need to use a photo that has your face clearly visible and your hair tied back.

The site is easy to use and has several instructions that will help you find your future style.

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