
Free GPS App

Nowadays, there are apps that offer offline GPS, so you can see all the routes on your cell phone.

These free GPS apps have features that are particularly important in Brazil, where mobile internet access is limited and expensive.

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This offline navigation also brings benefits such as point-to-point navigation, place recommendations and speed camera warnings, depending on the application you install.

After all, who never needed to know how to get to a place, but having no mobile connection and the map application ends up not working. Check out some of these apps below.

App de GPS grátis
Free GPS App

Here Maps

This application was developed by Nokia, with it you can download maps of countries of the five continents for free to your cell phone memory. So it can be useful even when you're traveling and don't want to pay international roaming fees or buy a chip from the local operator.

Using the application, it is possible to save specific regions, such as Southeast, South and Northeast.

The mapping is done by Nokia itself, which in 2007 bought Navteq, one of the largest map providers in the world. HERE Maps is one of the most popular map apps. It has completely replaced Google Maps on some mobile devices.

Because it also offers the feature of routes by public transport and has a very complete bank of points of interest. Available to android and iOS.

Google Maps

Now let's talk about the most popular application Google maps application also works offline. You can search for the destination you want, get information about stores and malls and navigate step-by-step with voice commands.

To take an area offline, just click on the menu in the upper left corner, go to Areas offline and then choose a specific or custom location. 

The downloaded maps are valid for 30 days, when there is an internet connection, Google will try to renew the download automatically. 

Other applications consume much less data, so if you don't have a lot of space left and want to save a large area, it's worth considering other alternatives. Can be installed on all mobile devices such as iOS and android.

TomTom GO

Finally, with paid plans or mileage limit for navigation, TomTom recently launched a completely free application. However, this app is only for Android. With the name of TomTom GO Brasil, it comes to compete with Waze.

Inside it has many point-to-point navigation tools, real-time traffic information, radar alerts and the best. Inside it there are no ads. The application has a more complete approach and also allows the user to store maps on the cell phone to use later.

When you're offline, it also recommends useful stops along the route, like a gas station, for example. TomTom already has experience with GPS for years: since 1991, the brand has been selling those GPS devices for cars.

Now maps are also available on mobile. In addition, maps from other countries continue to be very well paid. With downloads available only for android.