
Equity and equality what is the difference?

Equity and equality what is the difference? Hello, welcome to Our site, let's see the difference between these terms.

Equity and equality are two terms often used in discussions of social and political justice.

Although they may look similar, there is an important difference between them.

Equality refers to a state of equality or uniformity among people..

In theory, equality would mean that all individuals have the same rights, opportunities and treatment.

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In practice, however, equality is often not achieved because people have different backgrounds, experiences and needs.

The aim of equality is therefore to ensure that individual differences do not affect justice and equality.

Equality is a broader concept that focuses on fairness and equality of outcome, not just equality of opportunity or treatment.

Equity recognizes that people have different needs and circumstances and therefore require different forms of support to achieve common goals.

Equity seeks to ensure that people have access to resources and opportunities according to their specific needs to achieve equitable outcomes.

Equality is a broader concept that focuses on fairness and equality of outcomes, not just equality of opportunity or treatment.

Equity recognizes that people have needs and different circumstances and therefore require different forms of support to achieve common goals.

Equity seeks to ensure that people have access to resources and opportunities according to their specific needs to achieve equitable results.

Educational system

For example, consider an education system that treats all students in the same way, regardless of your individual circumstances or needs. This may seem egalitarian, but it can actually be unfair.

A student with special needs, for example, may need more resources and support than other students to succeed. Equity requires that these students receive the support they need to have the same opportunities for success as their peers.

Equality focuses on equal opportunity or treatment, while equity seeks to guarantee fair and equal results for all, considering individual differences. Both concepts are important for achieving social justice and ensuring equal opportunities for all.

Equity vs. Equality

Equality is giving exactly the same resources to everyone.

Equity involves the distribution of resources based on the needs of each person according to their need.

Equidade e igualdade qual a diferença?
Equity and equality what is the difference?

On the left side of the image above, for example, three identical boxes are allocated to three people from different heights – this is an equal distribution of resources, but it doesn’t take into account that a taller person doesn’t need a box to see over another… a fence, while a shorter person could clearly use another fence.

When the boxes are equally spaced, as seen on the right side of the image, all three spectators can watch the game.


George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health, recognize the difference between fairness and equity it matters in almost every area of life: public health, politics, education, racial justice, and more.

If every public school in that county gets 150 new laptops, this is technically the same.

But that doesn't take into account that some of these schools may be in high-income districts where most students already own laptops.

Instead, the team should allocate devices based on the schools that most need them, thus minimizing the chance of dozens of laptops ending up in the dust at one school while another doesn't have enough for everyone.

In short, equity is about distributing resources in appropriate amounts., and justice focuses more on distributing resources proportionately to achieve a fair outcome for those involved.