
Change your voice with apps

Looking for relaxation? How about using effects for this, change your voice with apps and enjoy moments of pure fun. It's amazing!

However, you don't need to just focus on fun, you can use these applications for narrate videos, record songs with your voice, voiceovers and much more.

In this article we separate for you the best apps To change your voice, create moments to remember.

And to make this experience even more complete, you can use these files on various digital platforms such as Whatsapp, Tik Tok, Instagram among others.

Voloco: Vocal Studio

An application titled as mobile recording studio O Voloco is an application that brings together singers, rappers, content recorders, musicians and of course amateurs.

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Therefore, to have a complete experience that only a studio could provide, you can record whatever you want and wherever you are.

With this application you will make your recordings sound much more professional, making it possible to adapt to any voice timbre.

Being able to record the best tracks, voice-overs and narrations, complete application which will allow you to save content directly to your gallery.


First of all, this platform almost needs no introduction, but perhaps it has some details that go unnoticed by users.

In other words, that the TikTok It's a complete platform, you already know! But it has been widely used to video narrations, dubbing and much more.

Content creators have been highlighted precisely because it is a platform that allows you to change your voice to create videos.

Even if you are not specifically a content creator, but want to use the functions for a relaxed video with friends, test your voice, that app is excellent.

Narrator's Voice

Prize Winner “The best apps of 2016″ Narrator's Voice It is a complete and easy-to-use application, for those who want to stand out in their narrations.

With it you have the option to listen audio books with the narration you want, saving you time and even making your day-to-day If you don't have time to read it.

Besides the diversity of content, voices and locutions as far as the eye can see. Your audios will never be the same again.

This app definitely lives up to its prize received, with more than 10,000,000 downloads you will find several voices in several different languages, with effects as far as the eye can see.

Change voice with effects

At first a application common, but with the Change your voice with effects you will discover a whole world of possibilities to make your experience unique.

Counting on more than 50 effects, in this app you will find voices like: Alien, drunks, Helium gas, giants, monsters, zombies, squirrels and more.

Just imagine change your voice with just one application and still have the possibility to have fun with so many options.

An excellent relaxation app And fun, you can save each voice individually, creating several different audios but with the same content.

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In this way, we leave you with a series of applications that will give you the opportunity to create videos, audios and rentals to lose sight of.

Finally, don't waste time, download the app that interests you most and get started right away. new world of voice changes.

Lastly, to download the apps, access your app store favorite: Google Play Store or App Store.