
Winners for Christ

To listen and remember the good times of Brazilian Christian music, the musical group Winners for Christ is the best option.

Founded in 1968, “Vencedores por Cristo” was a Christian musical group that influenced an entire generation, as well as a musical style.

Over 40 albums released, the collection of hits and classics is something no artist can fault. Songs with deep lyrics and elaborate and exciting rhythm.

Below you can listen to VPC's classics. There are 41 hits for you to listen to and be blessed.

Winners for Christ – Classics

Seek First, Starting with Me, Your People, King of the Nations, Sing to the Lord and many other hits are part of the classics.

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Listen to VPC Classics here.

These are songs that transcend a generation, being known and sung by everyone, no matter their age.

Winners for Christ – From Vento to Popa

One of the most important productions for the musical group VPC was the production of the album De Vento em Popa.

Listen here to De Vento e Popa.

The Disco was the group's first project with songs composed only by Brazilians. So, in addition to the compositions, musical productions rely on Brazilian rhythms.

Names like Sérgio Pimenta, Aristeu Pires, Guilherme Kerr, Edy Chagas and Artur Mendes are responsible for the album’s relevance.

Winners for Christ – Praise VIII

In 1975 the “Louvor” series was launched with 10 albums released. Each production has beautiful and impactful music, making it impossible to choose which was the best.

Among so many good and memorable songs, “Praise” Volume VIII is the album that contains the song “Deus Só Deus”, a song that still echoes in churches in Brazil.

Listen here to “Winners for Christ, Praise vol. VIII”.

It's impossible not to fall in love with such a striking and relevant album, with beautiful songs blessed by God.

VPC – Youtube

Just like in Spotify, another way for you to listen to your favorite VPC songs is through the channel on youtube.

For the YouTube, in addition to the audio of the songs, you can watch clips, follow the lyrics as well as see inspiring images while listening to the songs.

Listen here, VPC Without Borders.

Just like VPC Sem Fronteiras, you can find several other songs on YouTube, in fact, you have access to the entire discography of the musical group.

VPC – YouTube Lyrics

To listen to VPC's music as well as have the letters simultaneously, YouTube has a complete playlist of videos with VPC's music and lyrics.

You can listen to the music while reading the lyrics to remember how deep and blessed the compositions are.

Listen here, VPC with lyrics

Sing along with VPC the songs that most marked your life.

VPC – YouTube Playback

Finally, for you to sing Vencedores por Cristo songs in church or presentations, on YouTube you can choose the playback you want to sing.

The playbacks are available for free on YouTube, so you can sing anywhere, anytime, and can be accessed from your computer or cell phone.

Listen to VPC Playback here.

Sing with the VPC playbacks and bless everyone who will be listening.


In conclusion, whenever you wish listen to or find out more about the musical group Winners for Christ, Find here the great classics and the main albums produced.

There are more than 50 years of history and music production for you to listen to whenever you want.


To listen to other singers, visit the links below: