
In front of the throne

Diante do Trono is a praise band created at the Lagoinha Baptist Church, in 1997 in the city of Belo Horizonte, capital of Minas Gerais.

The band led by Ana Paula Valadão has captured hearts since the release of the first album that bore the band's name.

There is no way to measure the relevance of the ministry in Brazil, its songs are sung in all churches in Brazil.

In addition, from conservative churches and histories to contemporary and Pentecostal churches, Diante do Trono was an inspiration and blessing for everyone.

Listen to a special selection from Diante do Trono here.

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The songs “Te Graças”, “Aclame ao Senhor” and “Coração Equal to Yours” are part of this special playlist that brings together the most listened to songs from Diante do Trono.

Diante do Trono – First album

The first album was released on January 31, 1998, recorded live at the Lagoinha Baptist Church, and was a success upon its debut.

The album's objective was to raise funds to combat prostitution in India, where missionary support has always been the band's vision.

Listen to Diante do Trono's first album here.

“Aclame ao Senhor”, “Te grateful” and “Manancial” are songs that continue to impact in the same way they were impactful in the year of their release.

With 12 tracks for you to listen to and be blessed, the ministry's first album continues to be a reference Christian album.

Memories of the Heart

Currently, the latest album released by Diante do Trono is called “Memórias do Coração”, with 13 tracks recorded live in 2023.

They are re-recordings of the ministry's greatest hits, that is, songs sung in churches and which are in the memory of every Christian Brazilian.

Listen to the latest release from Diante do Trono here.

With modern and bold versions, featuring the children of the singers, the album Memórias do Coração recalls memorable songs for everyone.

Children Before the Throne

The ministry also had an impact on children's lives, children's services and children's ministry mirrored throughout Brazil.

In addition to the stories and songs, the ministry also released the cartoon, becoming a sensation for the generation of children in the 2000s.

Listen here Children Before the Throne

The song “Aos Olhos do Pai” as well as “Rap da Família” were absolute successes, even outside the evangelical environment, and are part of the first work released for children.

Children Before the Throne was the first of 12 works launched by the ministry, for example, “Noah’s Ark”, “David” and “Who is Jesus” are other highly successful works.

Playback Before the Throne

Finally, with so many inspiring and blessed songs, we couldn't miss the playback to sing in church, birthdays, weddings and cell groups.

On YouTube you can find all the playbacks of DT's songs. You can search by song as well as by album.

Listen here, Diante do Trono PlayBack

The album “Quero me passionate” was released in 2003 and has playback of all tracks, being very useful for presentations and as background music.

In the video above, you have access to all the songs from “Quero me passionate” in playback, and several other complete albums, all with playback.


In conclusion, we cannot fail to mention that the DT Ministry also blessed Brazil with other singers.

André Valadão, Nívea Soares, Mariana Valadão, Ana Nóbrega, Helena Tannure, Israel Salazar and Marine Friesen are people who participated in the DT.

All of them continue to bless Brazil with their music and life, some as singers and ministers, others as pastors and intercessory leaders.

Listening to DT is always a special experience, as they are transmitting through songs the message of hope, love and peace.


To listen to other songs, visit the links below: