
REJECTION – Listen to the Experts

Rejection – Listen to the Experts. If you are experiencing a rejection situation, seek guidance, but from specialized people.

It is quite common that when faced with adverse situations, you seek help and guidance. That is great, is the first step to getting out of a crisis.

However, it is important to know where to seek advice and guidance. The internet can be a place to receive a lot of help, or to disrupt what is no longer going well.

The point is, who is providing guidance? If you are experiencing a rejection situation, who is the most qualified person or professional to help you?

Knowing the origin of the information is important to receive effective help. Therefore, we have selected some experts on the topic REJECTION.

They are doctors, psychologists and therapists who talk about different topics, especially human behavior and how to deal with rejection.

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Rejection – Listen to the Experts, and we’ll introduce you to some of them.

Dr. Anahy D'Amico

THE Dr. Anahy D'Amico has been a psychologist since 1982 and has helped people with their relationships with others and with themselves.

On her YouTube channel, Dr. Anahy has many videos of professional advice and guidance so you can hear from experts.

In an approximately 9-minute video, you can hear advice on how to deal with rejection in the best way possible.

Addressing the concept of rejection, self-knowledge, change of perspectiveBy recovering value and generosity towards yourself, you will have guidance on rejection.

Marinalva Callegario

Marinalva Callegario has a degree in psychology, master coach and specialist in psychoanalysis, Marinalva uses her YouTube channel.

With videos talking about personal development, Marinalva Callegario also develops and teaches about MAP (Self-love method) and MVE (Extraordinary Life Method).

In this video, Marinalva works on the experience of rejection as an opportunity for personal growth and development.

Therefore, rejection becomes a situation transforming into the power of the one who was rejected. During the video, Marinalva uses real cases to explain her method and advice.

Dr. Pedro Calabrez

Dr. Pedro Calabrez holds a Ph.D in psychiatry and medical psychology from the Clinical Neurosciences Laboratory at UNIFESP.

With a YouTube channel, courses and social networks, Dr. Pedro Calabrez addresses human behavior from the perspective of neuroscience perspective.

In this video, Dr. Pedro talks about some attitudes that help to deal with the pain of rejection, such as sadness, frustration and incapacity.

On his YouTube channel you can also watch several other videos on the topic, where Dr. Pedro addresses the topic in a clear, in-depth and scientific way.

Therefore, Dr. Pedro is an excellent specialist for listening and learning how to deal with Rejection in an assertive and healthy way.

Camila Vieira

Camila Vieira She is a renowned and influential speaker who works on several fronts, such as personal development, increasing capacity and femininity.

Your channel has more than 285 thousand subscribers and your Instagram has almost 1 million followers, Camila Vieira is known for impacting lives and helping with personal transformation.

The video is a 32-minute lecture, therefore, Camila Vieira delivers quality, depth and clarity content for free.

Additionally, the channel has many other videos for you to watch and learn about personal development and emotional intelligence.

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Finally, we once again emphasize the Rejection – Listen to the Experts. It is possible to listen, learn and be guided by qualified people.

To be well guided it is not necessary to spend money, there is a lot of quality content on the internet, from people who really do a good job.

Therefore, we simply curated the content available on the internet, facilitating your research on the topic of rejection.

In short, if you are going through a Rejection – Listen to the Experts.


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