
3 Books on How to Deal with Rejection

Reading is an excellent tool for learning, and here we will indicate 3 books on how to deal with rejection for you to read and learn.

Rejection is a very common experience, it is something inherent to the human experience. If you live and exist, you will experience rejection.

Some rejections are more painful, intense and deep. While we also experience rejections that do not affect or profoundly change our lives.

It is also true that we reject many things. Many other people experience rejection based on our rejection by something or someone.

In this sense, being aware of this experience, so important, common and impactful in the life of every human being, is develop social skills and emotional intelligence.

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Therefore, we separate 3 books on how to deal with rejection. These are books for you to learn how to live this experience in a healthy and assertive way.

1st Book – The Root of Rejection

World-renowned writer Joyce Meyer wrote the book “The Root of Rejection“, launched in 1994 and since then has been a reference on the topic.

The book proposes that, although no one forgets a rejection, it is possible to live without harm because of the experience.

Therefore, Joyce Meyer deals in her book with the perspective of liberation from the effects of rejection experienced, even if this is deeply rooted in the individual’s being.

Joyce Meyer is an experienced writer, and without a doubt “The Root of Rejection” is a great book about how to deal with rejection.

With nine chapters, read Joyce Meyer's book and be transformed and impacted in your rejection crises.

2nd Book – The Courage to be Imperfect

The second recommendation is Bené Brown’s book “The courage to be Imperfect: How to accept your vulnerability, overcome shame and dare to be who you are“.

The book was first on the list of The New York Times, being a great success due to the author's ability to clearly communicate such an important subject.

Despite the importance of the topic covered, there are not many quality materials available on the market for reading.

In this way, “The Courage to be Imperfect” becomes a success because of its quality of content and communication.

Likewise, it is a success because of the importance of the theme that Bené Brown works on with so much property and dynamism.

3rd Book – Without Fear of Rejection

Our last book suggestion on how to deal with rejection is the book “No Fear of Rejection“, by writer Jia Jiang.

Jia Jiang is a Chinese writer and speaker, best known for his idea of a social experiment on rejection.

Jia Jiang spends 100 days putting himself in unusual and even embarrassing situations to learn how to deal with rejection.

In this sense, he writes the book “No Fear of Rejection: How I Overcame the Fear of Being Rejected and Became More Confident“.

The book is a reflection on his personal experience of 100 days of having to deal with various types of rejection because of his unusual requests.

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Finally, if you want to learn how to deal with rejection, reading will be a path to safe and reliable learning.

These are books by renowned authors and experts in human behavior so that with each chapter you develop new emotional skills.

3 books on how to deal with rejection for you to choose and enjoy.


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