
3 Podcasts on How to Deal with Rejection

Currently podcasts are powerful teaching tools. Listen now 3 podcasts on how to deal with rejection and learn about this experience.

Firstly, if you still don't know what a podcast is, it is nothing more than audio (similar to radio), but it is recorded and made available to be heard at any time.

The podcast can be a conversation, monologue, interview or debate. It can be on a specific topic, or random subjects.

Therefore, podcast is today a learning tool, as many qualified professionals are producing quality content on podcast platforms.

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In this sense, we are going to present 3 podcasts on how to deal with rejection. Since rejection is a common experience for human beings, understanding it is important.

1st Podcast – The Root of Rejection

Our first suggestion is the podcast “The Root of Rejection” is a sequence of more than 30 episodes produced by Simone Brandão, and is available for free on Spotify.

The podcast is based on the writer's book Joyce Meyer “The Root of Rejection”, where Simone Brandão works on everything covered in the book in a practical and dynamic way.

Episodes last 4 minutes to 10 minutes, that is, it is a short time, excellent for listening in traffic on the way to work or college.

Furthermore, the podcast “A Raiz da Rejeição” can also be a tool to help you read the book, or even, if you don't like reading, a tool that replaces reading a book.

2nd Podcast – Dealing with Rejection Beliefs

In the episode Dealing with the belief of Rejection, Alana Anijar works on how to face the experience of being rejected, and dysfunctional beliefs.

The podcast from Psychologist Alana Anijar called Psychology in Practice is another option for you to listen to tips and advice from a psychologist whenever you want.

One of dysfunctional beliefs it is the belief of rejection. In this episode, the psychologist talks about the topic, explaining and guiding listeners on how to deal with the situation.

Therefore, the podcast is a guidance from a professional who addresses the subject with great depth and practicality.

3rd Podcast – Learn to Overcome Rejection

Lastly, we have Julha Carla de Souza's podcast called Therapy in Minutes, with the episode Learn to Overcome Rejection.

Julha Carla is a psychologist which produces content talking about social behaviors and pain in just a few minutes.

Therefore, the Terapia em Minutos podcast will be very useful for you to learn in a simplified way about how to deal with rejection.

Therapeutic exercises, new perspectives and approaches to dealing with the experience of rejection. Be a affective, professional or academic rejection.

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In conclusion, they are 3 podcasts on how to deal with rejection for you to listen to in the car, at home, while working or taking care of the house.

Learning about how to deal with rejection can be more dynamic, quick and easy by listening to podcasts produced by experts in the field.

3 podcasts on how to deal with rejection for you to listen to whenever you want.


To listen to the podcasts, access the links below: