
Learn Macramé with apps

Above all, an ancient technique that takes you to the world of manual arts, learn macramé with apps and discover the artist within you.

Without any need for machinery, just cotton, wool, nylon, hemp or jute threads, you have a sea of possibilities for your creations.

With just five different types of knots you can explore this art. Famous ones like Juliette, Justin Bieber, have already been seen using macramé pieces in presentations.

So if you want to learn a new hobby, earn extra income and even have a therapeutic moment in your day, this article is for you.

Macrame tutorial

First of all, you need to know that by joining threads, braids and knots, you have a piece of art ready to be created and used as soon as you finish.

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With the app Macrame tutorial, you will have access to a library full of previously recorded content on this technique.

 Initial knot (loop), double knot, half double knot, scallop knot and final knot (hidden), this is what you need to learn to be able to create unique pieces.

So, don't be scared by the name, you will see that it is easy and quick to start creating decorative pieces, jewelry, through photos and explanatory videos.


Don't worry, we're not going to talk about trends, dances or other things we're used to when we read anything about this app.

O TikTok has been explored for its ease of quick, short videos with content, that's right, in it you will find everything about macramé.

Different types of knots, which are the best threads to produce, suppliers and professionals who are exploring this world of digital influencers.

Learning macramé with apps has definitely been the best option for new artisans today, with the ease of accessing it wherever you are.

Learn how to make Macramé

With exclusive content, this application will teach you, through basic drawings, the step-by-step process for each knot that exists in the world of macramé.

In the basics, you will see the possibilities you will have to create unique pieces from an initial knot called a “loop knot” and progress to the next ones.

Learn how to make Macramé, is an easy-to-understand app and with it in your app gallery, you can train your nodes wherever you are.

The creation of the pieces is up to you, because the possibilities are endless, clothes, jewelry, decorations, table setting are just a few options.


This application certainly could not be left out of our article, after all, it has been the greatest learning support in recent times.

No, you didn't read it wrong. The YouTube has stood out because professionals have used the platform to reach the largest number of people.

Access to it is free and you will meet the biggest influencers in the crafts world, you will see that it is much easier than you thought and you can start creating now.

So, take advantage of everything this app has to offer, exclusive content full of information with the breaks you need.

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So, learn macramé with apps and see the number of possibilities that a knot, a thread and your hands can provide you.

A technique with the simplest and at the same time sophisticated details that you will create with your hands and still be the owner of your own business.

So if you want to go down any of these access on your mobile device your store applications favorite: Google Play Store or App Store.