
How can I consult the license plate of a car in REPUVE?

The Vehicle Public Registry has all the information and data about the vehicles circulating in the Mexican territory. For this reason, it is important to know how to consult the license plate of a car in your system.

Precisely, today we want to use an application that gives you access to the database of REPUVE MX so that you can obtain the information you need in case you want to buy a used car.

Application to consult the license plate of a car or the data of the vehicle

REPUVE MX is one application available for Android devices in which the data base of the Public Vehicle Registry of Mexico is concentrated.

As a result, downloading this app makes it easier for you to access vehicle data from your cell phone. A function that buyers of used cars are grateful for in order to consult the legitimacy of the vehicles.

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The consultation process is very simple and we summarize it below.

  1. Access the application
  2. Write the text of the image
  3. Fill the field with vehicle information
  4. Ready! That way you will easily have the result of the query

However, we should mention that in the latest valuations, users are quejaned by the excess of advertising that appears in the queries.

In addition, you should know that this application has not been developed by the Mexican government, although all your data are available in the Vehicle Public Registry, as well as in the Mexican Association of Insurance Institutions (AMIS).

This is why you can also find out if the vehicle in question has a valid insurance policy or no.

But, more than recommending REPUVE MX, we also have to speak in another way in which you can consult the license plate of a car from your cell phone, computer or any device with Internet.

Can I access the Vehicle Public Registry from the web?

The answer to this question is affirmative. The best thing is that you don't need to download any application, since from the web browser you can query the status of the vehicle in question.

The steps to follow are the following:

After that, you have to carry out the consultation using one of the criteria that are indicated on the form, which can be: license plate number (without spaces or guidelines), VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) or NCI (Registration Certificate Number).

It is important to point out that access to this information is completely free, as established in Article 6 of the Vehicle Public Registration Law.

If you want to know more about the functions of REPUVE, advantages and disadvantages, we invite you to review this post.

Other information channels of REPUVE

El Gobierno de México makes available to citizens other information and contact channels to carry out any query regarding vehicles.

One of them is the electronic mail [email protected], where you can expose your case and carry out the relevant consultation.

Likewise, it has a direct telephone line to assist all citizens who need the services of this government entity, 800 REPUV 1.

On the other hand, and from the REPUVE website, the Government of Mexico recommends the ChecAuto MX application.

This app, available for android and iOS, was developed by the Centro Nacional de Información Plataforma México so that citizens can review the status of a vehicle from their cell phone.

With her, you can know if the used vehicle you want to buy has a report by robot.

To carry out the query, you need to know the license plate, serial number or Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).

This application also features character recognition technology, so you can read the license plate or serial number from your cell phone camera, whenever you are within a distance of approximately 2 meters.

Finally, we should mention that this app is constantly being updated and improved. So, if you're going to use it, we recommend leaving your opinions about its interface and functions to help developers improve it.