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Aline Franco

Showing 357 Result(s)
apps para medir la tensión


When it comes to health, our brain starts looking for alternatives to combat symptoms and improve. Currently, hypertension is one of the disorders with the highest incidence worldwide, which is why I want to mention some apps to measure blood pressure on your cell phone and take better care of yourself. Amazing, right? In the past, doctors…

Apps to measure pressure

Even if you don't have hypertension problems yet, it's a good idea to have an app to measure blood pressure on your cell phone in case of emergencies. There are several options on the market with different tools to use. That's why we've brought you some tips to help you find the best app to measure blood pressure. So you …

App to find out pregnancy

We know very well that it doesn't matter if you are planning to have a child or think you got pregnant through carelessness, as taking a pregnancy test is always something that causes enormous anxiety in any woman. Normally, women opt for common tests, the ones you go to the pharmacy and buy, with a very good price…

best pregnancy apps

It is not new that technology is a great ally of ours, from simple day-to-day tasks to essential things. For this reason, there are several digital pregnancy apps. Designed to help us from discovery to the entire evolution of the baby. Through your cell phone, you can access software for free, with numerous …

See how to watch free TV on mobile

Here we have brought you simple and practical apps that are completely free to watch TV on your cell phone, if you are a fan of series, football, soap operas and movies and want to know how to watch on your cell phone, you are in the right place. Eleven Sports First we brought Eleven Sports, which is a great option for those who want to keep up with the …

night camera app

This subject is very interesting, as we are talking about applications that are free to download, which end up giving you a really cool and realistic experience of a professional night vision tool, all using your cell phone. These apps use your phone's thermal camera to get some realistic thermal images. Although …