Showing 7 Result(s)

Musical apps for Pets

If you have a pet, these musical apps for pets are a solution to your problems that make your heart sink when you leave them alone. In this article, we have prepared a selection of apps that can entertain your pet while you are away from home. Recommended contents APP FOR LISTENING TO MUSIC ➜ APP FOR …

Curiosidades do reino animal

Curiosities of the animal kingdom

The curiosities of the animal kingdom is an incredible universe full of wonders. From the depths of the oceans to the treetops of rainforests, animals have a myriad of fascinating adaptations and behaviors. In this article, we'll explore some fun facts from the animal kingdom that are sure to surprise you. Elephants: Supermemory and Deep Empathy. You …

As Baleias

the whales

Whales are incredible and fascinating animals, with many interesting facts associated with them. However, whales are the largest animals in the world: They can grow up to 30 meters in length and weigh up to 200 tons. Even the smallest whale species, such as the North Atlantic white whale, can still measure around 14…

Curiosidades sobre os gatos

Facts about cats

Hello, welcome to our website and in this article we will look at interesting facts about cats that are fascinating and loved by many. They have been portrayed in artwork, legends, and stories since ancient times, making them one of the most popular species in the animal world. Here are some fun facts about cats. Cats are known…

Tubarões pré históricos

prehistoric sharks

Prehistoric sharks are a fascinating area of study for paleontologists and marine life enthusiasts. These animals inhabited the oceans for millions of years before their extinction, and their diversity and size were incredible. One of the most famous prehistoric sharks is the megalodon. This prehistoric giant was about three times…

O Maior cachorro do mundo

The biggest dog in the world

Hello, welcome to our website, have you ever heard about the biggest dog in the world? Dogs are popular pets around the world, as some stand out more than others, whether due to their beauty, personality or size. And today we're going to talk about size, specifically the biggest dog in the world. Before…