Showing 44 Result(s)

App with music from nature

Have you ever imagined downloading apps where you can listen to different sounds of nature? All of this very simply. But you can relax with the sounds and choose an app with nature music to calm you down. So find out what these applications are and decide which one is ideal for you, as we are going to bring you some…

How to make a table set for christmas

The Christmas table setting is a theme that always attracts attention at the end of the year. There are no rules to follow, the most important thing is to find a model that works for your style and the reception you are planning. To help you, we have separated some tips and inspirations on how to set the table for the …

Christmas Trivia

Christmas is a very important date and one of the most awaited by people nowadays. Therefore, we decided to bring you some Christmas curiosities. See now. Why Christmas is celebrated On December 25th, the birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated. Date established in the year 350, when Pope Julius I, …