If your invoice did not arrive at your home or you ended up losing it, you need to request a duplicate to be able to pay everything correctly. It is necessary to issue a duplicate of the electricity bill to avoid adding interest or cutting off your home's energy supply. Second copy via the app The EDP app …

Apps to see your city by satellite

Many people look for information about the location of where they are going, we will show you that it is possible to navigate through applications to see your city through satellite images and, what's more, completely free. Therefore, the new feature later allows the application user to carry out consultations in the region where they live or anywhere…


Lately a hobby is becoming many people's work, after the global event of 2020, many people are discovering new loves. I myself am passionate about watching videos of people showing everything they can extract magnificent objects from the sea and sand, such as jewelry, historical objects and even cell phones. In these videos…

App to find out pregnancy

We know very well that it doesn't matter if you are planning to have a child or think you got pregnant through carelessness, as taking a pregnancy test is always something that causes enormous anxiety in any woman. Normally, women opt for common tests, the ones you go to the pharmacy and buy, with a very good price…


apps para medir la tensión

When it comes to health, our brain starts looking for alternatives to combat symptoms and improve. Currently, hypertension is one of the disorders with the highest incidence worldwide, which is why I want to mention some apps to measure blood pressure on your cell phone and take better care of yourself. Amazing, right? In the past, doctors…

Apps to measure pressure

Even if you don't have hypertension problems yet, it's a good idea to have an app to measure blood pressure on your cell phone in case of emergencies. There are several options on the market with different tools to use. That's why we've brought you some tips to help you find the best app to measure blood pressure. So you …

The best apps to measure glucose

We know how important it is to measure glucose for diabetic and pre-diabetic people, so that they can monitor the blood glucose index. So nowadays, they created apps to measure glucose. A new application then appeared, it works by measuring heart rate using pulse waves. See now the…

App to find out pregnancy

We know very well that it doesn't matter if you are planning to have a child or think you got pregnant through carelessness, as taking a pregnancy test is always something that causes enormous anxiety in any woman. Normally, women opt for common tests, the ones you go to the pharmacy and buy, with a very good price…

Application to identify pregnancy

Pregnancy for women is a phase completely different from everything they've experienced, it's a phase where the body goes through changes, there are hormones that change our thoughts and also our body. Several changes take place in our lives, as well as a new concern, a new being growing within us. But …

Application transform into drawing and caricature

Many apps nowadays allow you to transform your photos and selfies into a manual, caricature look with pencil effects, paints and filters. In this way, Android and iOS system users can get more personalized and creative images to share on social networks. Features can be applied to photos captured by the camera...