
Consult the license plate and data of a coach on your cell phone

If you are going to buy a used coach and you want to check the information that the seller offers you, the most recommendable is a consultation on REPUVE. However, to avoid the inconvenience and long lines in the workshops, you can carry out the consultation from your cell phone.

Continue reading to know the application that allows you to consult the license plate and vehicle data throughout the Mexican territory.

REPUVE: more access to information

The Public Vehicle Registry has been in place since 2004 to register all vehicles that transit through Mexican territory.

With this record, any citizen or the authorities can seek information about a car and know if it is involved in some illegal activity or if its origin is not legitimate.

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What are the goals of REPUVE?

The REPUVE is coordinated by the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System, as its function is to organize the vehicular system in Mexico. It is because of this that it has defined objectives that we list below

  1. Provide information to the citizenry on registered vehicles to reduce illegal activities.
  2. Avoid the crimes related to the robo of vehicles or other crimes that link the car park in Mexico.
  3. Providing citizens with legal security to carry out their purchase and sales activities, thanks to the data provided in their registration.

How to check the license plate of a vehicle in REPUVE?

The REPUVE MX application is available on Google Play and is characterized by having a simple and intuitive user interface.

With this we want to decide that any person can download the app on their cell phone and easily consult the data of a vehicle from the license plate.

The results are obtained in a short time and consist of a table with all the manufacturing and identification data of the consulted vehicle

Step by step to consult information

After installing the application on your device, the only thing you have to do is open the app, enter the text of the image and the vehicle information, which can be number of plates the he vehicle identification number, aprietas el botón consult y listo.

In these simple steps you get all the information that REPUVE has about the vehicle. Without leaving home and from the palm of your hand.

In the following image you can see how the process is carried out in just a few minutes.

With this easy-to-use application, you will know the license plate, make, model, and year of the vehicle.

Also, you will know the class and type of car, the vehicle identification number (VIN) and finally the status.

Regarding this last aspect, you should know that there are 3 statuses in which a vehicle can be found:

  • No robot report
  • With report of recovered (luego de being robado)
  • With current robot report.

On the other hand, you will find updated notices about the coach, name of the dueño or of the company if it is the case.

Additionally, REPUVE also has access to the database of Mexican Association of Insurance Institutions. Therefore, when consulting the REPUVE application, you will find out if the coach has its current insurance policy.

Advantages of using REPUVE

The information on the database is constantly updated.

Avoid acquiring vehicles requested by theft or of illegitimate origin

If you are the victim of an infraction and the suspect escapes, you can access the vehicle's data if you quickly obtain the license plate number

Before ending this post, we would like to invite you to know other facilities that the Mexican government offices offer you to facilitate access to records such as CURP.

Likewise, you can continue browsing ahuacati to find interesting content of apps to download on your mobile.