Il tè è una bevanda buonissima, millenaria e fin dall'inizio è stato usato come medicinale per determinate occasioni.
If there is a considerable medicinal property, it is possible to migrate the intestine and bruciare quel grasso localizzato e finire per ridurre il peso.
Not only does it go away, but our body is made up of water 70% when we are sedentary when we start to increase our weight and gain weight.
I have:
provide dalla pieta camellia sinensis, there is a high concentration of caffeina, indicated maggiormente during la giornata.
Caffeine is great for speeding up metabolism and with urinating and feeling a lot of energy, using the energy that is accumulated in your body and not in your body.
Zenzero with Ananas:
Lo zenzero funziona comes thermogenic and l'ananas poiché ha molte fiber ti aiuta ad avere più sazietà.
Il thermogenic accelerates your metabolism, increasing the combustion and I gave grassi and l'ananas ti lascerà sazi, without avrai voglia di mangiare tutto il time.
And, of course, fiber is the best stretch to regulate the intestines, with the intestines that function, your immunity increases, increases your hydration…
It's green:
It is preferred by bruciare i grassi, as long as it is a diuretic, il che means che avrai semper voglia di fare pipì, con ciò purifies your body, migliora il funzionamento dei tuoi reni e della vescica, migliora il circolazione and riduce il gonfiore.
Tè all'ibisco with cannella:
L'ibisco is super diuretic and cannella is thermogenic, it will make you drink a lot of food, but it will help you to lose weight with it, lose weight with it, get rid of the vesicle and reni perfectly funzionanti, get rid of the gonfiore .
If you can fare with the cannella in polvere, but it is better to opt for the cannella stecca.
Great risultato if subject prima dei pasti principali.
There's a lemon:
It is popularly aware of how a fruit che aiuta ad eliminare le sostanze tossiche dal corpo, you will be able to eliminate the fat from the body.
Può essere fatto con il limone spremuto in acqua and bollito or mettere a bollire pezzi di limone con l'acqua.
Addolcire if necessary, with zucchero or miele.
There's al fieno greco e carciofi:
Entrambi gli elementi contribute to all the sazietà, manage less during the day, increase metabolism and achieve the elimination of calories.
Il tè va prepared with foglie di carciofo and semi di fieno greco.
There's alla turmeric with lemon:
Turmeric is a great natural antioxidant, it is healing and very used to increase immunity, together with lemon that also helps to eliminate toxins from the body, it is great to strengthen your immune system.
That's right, with all the functions that we have, with diuretic action, which accelerates the metabolism as a whole, cleanses the organism by making much of the urine and deflates the organism.
oolong tee:
It is made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis, very well known in China, it is thermogenic, it helps to improve metabolism in general and also to burn fat.
Its production is from the same plant that is used for the black and the green, but its shape is different, its oxidation is intermediate between them. Super suitable for people with diabetes and people with heart problems, it also helps to eliminate localized grease.